The golden eagle landing on top of the tree represents the selfless role models with their wings spread out sheltering the life under them. With a beautiful sunset with golden rays of light that are making themselves known that this is the moment!!! There is nothing to fear as they are there, as the protector of this sacred tree, all of life can continue to flourish and live. The tree is on a little tiny island surround by water like its own little oasis with just a tiny bit of mist. And I think that is the place people feel blessed and reminded that life is a real beautiful place and this is the place to be! This painting Harmony is poetry in life, when color is unleashed and is set free, the most beautiful collaboration can occur, there is no predator and there is no prey! We can then come join hands and like nature, be sculpted to perfection. We shouldn't live our lives for tomorrow, we live it for today!