Jason Fobister lives in the First Nations Reserve of Grassy Narrows in Canada. His art is inspired by nature, humanity and love.
"Not every mistake is a bad experience, this painting is an example of that. t was an idea in my head and I pursued it. I painted an eagle with a moon in the background, but I accidentally put too much water on my brush and it dripped on the canvas. I was thinking “oh no” and then I grabbed a rag and tried to wipe it but it made streaks on the painting. It had such a unique quality that I didn’t want to fix that mistake instead I wanted to use that mistake and make something good of it and that actually was the best thing that happened to that painting. So later, I added more drops and ended up wiping it, adding more color. It was real joy doing that painting. You can always learn from mistakes. They don’t hurt as long as you can find beauty in it you can always do something with it. Don’t always go with your original plan because plans always change. This painting was proof of that and something I can learn from."